Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
though my whole family have always been gypsy travellers, christmas, not thanksgiving, was the one time to gather and share. i have fond recollections of young aunts and uncles, dressed in shoulder pads and leather jackets, freshly splashed with cologne and perfume, running out of the airplane and embracing us all. in fact, i bet not many people can boast whole days spent at the airport, shuttling various family members coming in from various destinations, hours apart. those traditions are hard to recreate now that we are even more scattered and families have grown and grown up. but, for the first time in a long time, i am going "home" for christmas, and most everyone plans to gather there with me. it will be the first christmas that my sister has lived back in mn, and sweet sweet relatives from overseas will be in as well. this year it is my turn to be the fresh faced young aunt, coming into town with bright plans and a handsome new man. complete the picture with life-sized puppy dog and you are set and ready to go.
What I am already looking forward to. In no particular order:
1)Christmas cards with D. Two lists this year, oy vey. (Maij says that she and No plan to recreate the Sears portrait studio. Looking forward to it).
2)Visiting friends I haven't seen in ages and who now, suddenly have turned into adults, have babies and own homes.
3)Listening to holiday themed music within the appropriate time period after Thanksgiving and before the holidays.
4)No work for two whole weeks.
5)The random squealing of various friends and loved ones during phone conversations as the date nears.
6)Alfred and Linus, a very astute and balanced pair, reunited.
7)Reinventing the Cities as an adult, with an adult sibling knowledgable of all the right places to go and do. Including but not limited to: taking a tour of local breweries to watch the magic of beer bond m and d; local music, live, and record stores galore; the 331; half price books; french and modern american eateries. Derek, the more suggestions, the better. Feel free to comment.
8)Shopping. From new (Forever 21) to used (Savers and Ragstock). A to Z.
9)Scheme over potential gifts to those I love.
10)Introduce a man who grew up in a land with no winter to ice and snow, cheese curds and bratwurst, sledding and snowshoeing, and all of the wonders of crawling back into the warm wonderful space in the crook of each others arms.
Friday, November 21, 2008
these days.
cold and ice covered the roads this morning. a bit treacherous, if it were not for the hot coffee keeping me company. nico sang in a low hum while i shifted in the seat, attempting to avoid the certain literal shock my tights were trying to produce against the fabric. sitting there moving through the snow and damp, my heart began to beat in rhythm to its surroundings.
more than once in our lives we look back and assess everything that has come forth thus far and attempt to act wisely about what is to come. we are always facing the unknown, but rarely, if ever, do we truly look at it, the unknown, as its own entity. and probably for the better, since the unknown is rarely anything but terrifying. but terror is not too far from the feeling of exhilaration and therefore we hurdle ourselves in no uncertain manner towards that which we do not know.
i try not to hurdle too quickly too often even though it is in my aquarian nature. i tell myself that i have the capacity to be more conscious, to move slower, to view more at depth. i get this way when i am contemplative and never otherwise. mostly, i move in black and white (even though the interior most often is a shade of grey). i enjoy feeling the extremes because they leave little doubt as to what's there. acute senses make me feel vulnerable, they make me flinch as though in tending the fire, a stray ember has happened upon my skin.
currently i am certain that i am hurdling towards some change. change that has truth at its core.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
literary merit.

from January 7 2003:
"yesterday for show and tell in lit class i showed two different views of our relationship when we were little: the video when you know you are being filmed and call me "your royalness" and ask if you can get me anything before flashing a big smile at the camera, and then the one when you hit me over the head with an egg. my teacher was quite pleased."
i will leave the comments section open for petition from others who agree that maija could provide more than sufficient documentation.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
winter, wait...what?
last night as our little family set out on another road adventure, d looked up at the sky and announced that the deep heavy grey clouds were in fact full of snow. i furrowed my brow in disbelief, as the sun was still out to a certain extent, and although it was cold and windy, it certainly didn't look like snow to a mn girl.
i was wrong.
as the little flakes started to fall and melt on our windshield, we stopped by family dollar to pick up two giant bags of wonka halloween candy (nerds of course), to prepare for the children down the block swarming around our house on friday. alfred, if you had not already guessed by the picture below, is going as a skeleton. hopefully he will scare the kids more with his glow-in-the-dark costume as opposed to his barking. i am still working on my costume.
it is darn cold outside. winter seems to have come upon us swiftly as i can't deem this kind of weather fall-like. once it starts freezing, it is the beginning of the end. i do have to say, however, that it is quite enjoyable to ride in the car, once warm, drink hot coffee, eat poundcake, and watch the sun come over the mountains, while listening to some of the music that i've come across lately. in this way, some light can be shed on the dark and perhaps dismal days that lie ahead of us.
recent recommendations include:
Of Montreal-Nonpareil of Favor
Ray LaMontagne-You Are the Best Thing
Blitzen Trapper-Furr
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Well put.
- Author David Sedaris, on undecided voters
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
what you wish for.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
old habits are hard to break.
and oh man am i glad i stuck around.
the energy of this town has hit me rapidly and without apology. after moving into my little white bungalow, with the wooden dragonfly and plants hanging off of its little porch, i set out to see what i could see, hitting the streets, head down, peering around corners to observe creatures in their natural habitats. already the makeup of my every day interactions are different. yesterday morning, my neighbor, who has lived here for over 20 years, stopped me to say that his wife had informed him that indeed, the apples in his yard are good for cooking, and to help myself to as many as i'd like to cook up a mean apple sauce for the neighborhood potluck. he whispered, somewhat embarrassed, but laughing, that he is the only one who shows up with food he hasn't grown himself.
additionally, more than once this weekend i found myself amidst several musicians, extremely talented ones at that, who come from various walks of life and various backgrounds playing various instruments, but all unified expressly through their passions. not shows, or performances, but simply gatherings that resulted in musical communication back and forth from one to another. these are the kind of interactions someone from the outside is only lucky enough to witness, ones that leave you with a knot in your throat and heart pounding from the sheer rhythm of it all. i must say, tapping into the creative community in avl has a snowball effect--you delve deeper and deeper until surrounded on all sides by great minds spiraling in all directions.
here's the thing. to a certain extent my nature has been shaped by the C-I-T-Y. and i'm talking about the capital CITY, not just a location with a population over 50,000. i'm a fast talking, fast walking, curt, and sometimes socially clueless individual who at times doesn't know how to fit herself into such a free and rule-less environment. i'm the gal with a plan. which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not appropriate at all times. however, with the help of a few amazing people, i find myself slowly being coaxed out of the comfort zone i only realize now that i've still been holding on to. maybe maija was right--soon you'll find me dancing in bare feet, hair down to my stomach. and just like this town, i will make no apologies for it.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Profoundly moved.
I sincerely apologize for my lagging in the department of photos and fiction. My poor excuse is that I am in the middle of a change of residence. How can I ever make it up to you?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hear our hearts in the distance, like canon fire.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sweet Home Alabama
this past weekend was something out of a movie. through a series of rather fortunate events, i somehow found myself in the green oceanside marshes of southern south carolina with a huge mess of small town georgia folks, dressed up in finest kakhis and polos, ready to party. they spoke foreign tongues of childhood stories involving bb guns and streets i've not yet visited and quietly my attention stole away to the teeny crabs scampering across the sand and flocks of white cranes making their way through the water. it was the most humidity i've been in in a while, but i made it work, wore the lightest dress i could find, and smiled my biggest smile, using the sweat glow to my advantage. little wooden fans and large bushels of hydrangeas were involved as well and exaggerated the already wholly southern feel of the event. sitting under the spanish moss, romance was at its peak. i was in my element, having always been a small town and family girl at heart, and danced well into the night after meeting the coach, and mom and dad, and so and so's uncle's sister's cousin. the night ended in a flash of lightening storms as far as the horizon, illuminating that which had already become quite obvious.
in honor of the road trip, prior to knowing that this would turn out to be one of the best weekends of my life, the following mix was created.
Westfall-Okkervil River
Radar Love-Golden Earring
Big Adventure-Blitzen Trapper
Commotion-Creedence Clearwater Revival
Box Full of Letters-Wilco
Street Fighting Man-Rolling Stones
I'm On Fire-AA Bondy
A Girl in Port-Okkervil River
Hesitating Beauty-Billy Bragg and Wilco
Prodigal Son-Rolling Stones
Caifornia Stars-Billy Bragg and Wilco
You Are My Flower-The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Up On Cripple Creek-The Band
I Shall Be Released-Bob Dylan
Fighter Girl-Mason Jennings
Dancing in the Moonlight-Thin Lizzy
Rapture (Sweet Rapture)-AA Bondy
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down-The Band
Gloria-Van Morrison
Honey Don't-Carl Perkins
Girl From the North Country-Bob Dylan
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Young folks.
i had decided on wavl not only for its proximity to my still rural place of work, or high percentage of people under the age of 40, but also for its high percentage and diversity of shops, restaurants, and places to hang out. most of this is centered along a main stretch called haywood road, with offshoots of smaller streets heavy with early to mid 20th century bungalows. a long time ago, it was its own village, eventually annexed into asheville, much like brooklyn and the big city. it became a lower income section of town, which is why it began to attract a lot of young but not well off artists and musicians. now it is quickly becoming gentrified, but still seems to have a spirit of its own, the new mixing with the old.
this is just one example why i like the place and the people: on thursday night, i went to an impeccable home and clothing store aptly named Custom (i'll save going on and on about how i love this placed for another time), which was having a clothing swap for charity. for a $7 donation to the local women's shelter, audrey and i got in to the space and sorted through the neatly hung and sorted items, including some samples from the store that still had tags. everyone was allowed to take about 5-7 items and the rest was brought to the shelter. they ended up raising over $600 and a whole bunch of clothes, and i made out with some of the best swap stuff i've ever seen.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Good things come in fives.
Lost and Found.
collar detail, slight slit at the neck (this picture is more accurate of the color than the first)
oh, and bonus! I found a nightgown in the exact same fabric as the one i bought in San Diego in '99. nice and light, with some interesting glass buttons.
A little amusement
Sunday, July 13, 2008
i have the biggest crush on jason segel.

conversations with myself, 1:46 am.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Holy crap.
Apologies to Mike Skinner--you may have been just kicked off the top of the list.
Of Flat Eric and other wild things...
You are the most awesomest version of awesome. Imagine my surprise, returning from lunch back to work yesterday, when the office was quiet as death (trying to get everything done before the long weekend) and finding a sweet little box addressed to me. This box, no less, was full of CDS! Not just one as I would first think, but many many more! Yipee!
As Alfred and I sit here eating graham crackers, I want to thank you a million for the prezzies. I'm going to rip them all onto my computer and then promptly distribute them to the various stereos in the house as well as work and the car. This is fantastic. The Kwanamas CD cover is really nice, I like the typed touches and the cereal box cover. It makes me wish I was in Minneapolis to start an artists collective with you. (By the way, Maija has moved to NE, so go by the store and give her a hi, she should be there next week).
This is going to be a pretty quiet weekend for Alfred and I, since we are home alone, so we'll definitely get to go through all of your goodies. Because I have windows and cannot Mojo you, I'll give you the following suggestions to run, not walk, and listen to.
1) You have no idea how much I needed it when you gave me the links to the Current and other places to download last summer. I continue to download almost every day now and a new one I've come upon that I think you would highly enjoy (if you do not already) is Rcrdlbl. They have an awesome variety and update many many new posts a day (oh, and for you ipod people, a podcast every week).
2) I've been really into a hip hop mode lately, which has surprised the bejeesus out of Maija. Two of my new faves are Kid Cudi and the Cool Kids. If you go before they post on Monday, Cool Kids' "88" should still be on the Current page. My fave Kid Cudi is "new new" and "Day N' Night (Crookers Remix)", which you can probably find on rcrdlbl.
3) New Futureheads is f-ing out of this world. I never saw why people didn't like Pinkerton and also didn't see the supposed "2nd album curse" with the Futureheads. Nevertheless, they've come out with their new album and it has the strength and ferociousness of their debut.
4) I've somewhat surprised myself at coming to like the new French Kicks. I was a fan of their One Time Bells, but didn't particularly like the direction they went in afterwards. Recently, I found myself repeating the songs off of their new album. They did a fairly nice little show for Daytrotter recently.
5) The Virgins remind me of the dark and sexy groove of Jonathan Richman when he was still in the Modern Lovers. Nuf Said.
6) Los Fancy Free is a kick-ass psychedelic-type band from Mexico. Some of the most unique stuff I've heard in a while.
More that would take too long to write about each individually: Spinto Band, Mystery Jets, Phantom Planet, Young Knives, The Wedding Present, Magic Bullets, France Has The Bomb, Teenagers, Dr. Dog, and Robbers on High Street.
Hope some of this stuff are things you haven't heard yet, cause I know that you are all over everything all of the time.
Thanks again for being so awesome. I'm going to publicly proclaim your awesomeness by posting this letter on my blog. Just cause.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
and a few more.
Monday, June 30, 2008
and the living is easy...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
i am trying to break your heart
my heart is constricted, i can't breathe, i am back in Brooklyn.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
darkness between fireflies.

Saturday, May 17, 2008
perfect day

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
"Comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
blog fury
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Back to the Future.

#62.3 - Menomena - Wet and Rusting
Can there be happiness more pure than this?
Friday, April 11, 2008
hanging on the telephone.
i ended up calling in the middle of the night. try as had for several hours to contain myself, i reached my bursting point and ended up dialing your number. of course, even though i should have been asleep, i knew you wouldn't be. you'd be up working. our schedules were always different that way.
"tell me a funny story" i shot out of the gate, which took you aback because we both knew that behind it was the loaded, but unsaid, "i want you, i need you, you're the only one who can be that person for me right now."
you listen is the truth of it. you've always listened when i really really needed it, at other times not, but you have an impeccable measure of when it needs to be done. and all this despite your own self, whether you feel like listening or not, whether you can handle it at the time. i'm emotionally selfish.
for some reason i hesitate initially, as though you're not going to pick up on it, though i know you are, i need to hear your ok first. given permission, my speech is like a river going over the falls, tumbling over rocks, rapidly hurdling toward instinctive conclusion without regard to what is in the way. i can't quite put it into words, i secretly wish i could show you, so that you're in on it too. and as much as i am there talking, i am in my head as well, and as a result everything is jumbled up as a puzzle. but you're quicker than that, you pick up the pieces, and do all of the right things: genuinely and strongly offer your help, empathize with me, then finally hit me with the truth, that which i haven't even processed in my own mind yet.
i can come up for air.
i contentedly listen to what you have to share, genuinely interested, no longer being distracted by the pangs of my own self. of course, you don't launch into anything as deeply as i do, and after a while we wish each other well and say goodnight.
pretending it's just another normal conversation between two normal people on a normal wednesday night.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
life is a series of simple moments.
Monday, March 31, 2008
'New Rose' (1976)
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us bands like the Damned.
Sincerely Yours,
Sunday, March 30, 2008
recently, I came across a fantastic set of covers done by the Walkmen (they require a whole different set of stories), diligently captured by the good people over at Daytrotter. go check out their take on Leonard.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
i said.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
dreams in waking.

when i think about the four years of my life spent within the four blocks of that school, of all the hours i must have spent running back and forth, the classes, the people, the books, the things to do, the opportunities to be had... out of everything, what i still remember most are the lights.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
that's DR. sue to you
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Star of the County Down

Friday, March 7, 2008
a rainy day.
today was the perfect day for hot coffee and reading curled up in blankets. the fog rolled in around noontime and hung thick, barely above the ground. as night fell, porch lights distorted into free-glowing orbs and rain began to fall, laying out a carpet of grass, wet and green.
my favorite weather is warm rain. it is the one time that i truly feel like the heavens open up and envelop me. tonight, taking a moment, i laid down in the grass and let the drops fall on my closed eyes.
the morning began early, at a smoky club called the grey eagle in asheville. despite being ready to fall asleep at about 6pm Thursday night, I trudged on right through drawing, and gained enough momentum to go to the felice brothers show.
let me tell you, kids, you have not seen passionate and true american balladry like this since the seventies. i hadn't heard a single song, as i went to the show on a name and a hunch, but this performance sealed the felice brothers a top spot in my heart.
it's been a long time since i've stayed out this late, or since i've been to several shows in one week. all i have to say is,
look out world.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
the fonz.

i've been trying to up my cool quotient since i was a kid, but have never been quite successful in being effortlessly together.
though i emulate those women who never have a single hair out of place and there are times in more recent memory that i quite nearly pull it off, you can never fully take the mara out of me. fact is, i'm an all around awkward kind of person, at times lucky enough to be still acknowledged by those around me. i say things at the wrong times and have reactions that even make me ask wtf in retrospect. i'd like to think that at times i cover well, with stupid jokes, and a childish sense of cuteness that i will use to my advantage to distract from the actual truth. actually, it's not always that i'm awkward, but that i make other people feel awkward in my presense. by myself, i'm usually quite comfortable in my oddness, quite oblivious to anything outside of my world. i make up songs and sing loudly to myself, i speak in nonsense words and sounds, and talk to my dog as though he understands it, i make screwed up faces both on purpose and not, and dare i not mention what my sister finds especially hilarious--i insist on talking in the most serious of manners about the most menial of things without even realizing it. but out in the social world it is another story. in the words of paulie bleeker--i try really hard.