Saturday, May 30, 2009

rose colored glasses.

we have a deep white sink, wrapped in plastic, sitting on the front porch.
it signifies the life that is percolating in our mind's-eye: a house that is also a home, family, love, and something that is far more stimulating and active than the current sedation we are surrounded by. it feels like some kind of awakening, moving out of hibernation.
you don't realize how bad it was until you have it good.
i'm going at top speed now, it's back, i'm moving. art, neighbors, friends, music, culture, everything of importance. i'm back, feeling like it's worth it, feeling like it's all coming together.
ideas come at a fast clip, i am enjoying myself, paring down and gearing up.
i'm ready to go.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

and so:

the best has yet to come my friend, the best has yet to come
so raise your glass and toast the past:
the best is yet to come