i met lisa the redhead a few days into college. she had lived in minnesota too, probably at the same time i was there, and now we were in new york together. she was shoulder height on me, but her personality was enormous, as was her hair. a good irish girl, complete with crazy artist older sister who was in her fifth of four years studying as a mad genius across the street at columbia. we kept on finding things in common, like the fact that we were both vegetarian, and both spent nights in music chatrooms (the way to relate in 1997). she lived diagonally across the hall from me, as we were all packed like sardines as freshman, one per square foot. many nights were spent laying across the hallway floor or in the corner lounge making popcorn and watching tv. we spent a lot of time in each other's rooms as well, decorating and going through one another's stuff. sometimes even the studying was easier to do with a silent partner. somehow, i also remember that she had a vinyl copy of the soundtrack to the labyrinth, which she was obsessed with. this was replaced a few years later with her complete and total passion for freaks and geeks, which i only had caught a few episodes of, not having a tv and all. through a series of circumstances she was no longer in school at this point, but i was, so she either slept on the floor of my 6x10 room, or i took the rusty bus up to hartford on the weekends to stay with her parents. i introduced her to the punk dives i liked to frequent, and within no time, this ballsy little chick was borrowing my dog collars and pushing us to the front of the crowd (she had a good excuse, me, being 5'10," did not and therefore ended up usually sitting in a fetal position next to the monitors on stage). i dropped out of the punk scene not too long afterwards, but she stayed on and got in with the old rock elite.
pictures of joey ramone at 2am.
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