A waterfall from a higher place told me all about you.

to you, and only you, dear readers, i share (though i don't propose that you'll understand):
-cricket noises in the dark
-swimming in a lake (and not freaking out at how still it is or what your feet are touching on the bottom)
-farm animals of various sorts, and their respective smells
-the automatic reaction of saying "jeez" or "gosh" when something bad happens
-freezing your ass off
-but still being able to do it without wearing a hat or gloves
-fishing (walleye, bass, pike, sunnies, crappies)
-knowing to pronounce the above "croppy"
(pretty good for a girl who once sprayed down the whole boat with mosquito repellant forcing a cursing grandfather and uncle to throw every fish back into the lake)
-let's not even get into pronouncing Wayzata or Wabasha
-the smell of lilacs in May when everything finally melts
-knowing what the Mississipi really looks like
-two words: STATE FAIR
-the constellation Orion
-knowing how to allot twenty minutes of your time in the morning towards starting your car
-Matthew Mallard
-Dairy Queen and Perkins
-fried cheese curds (oh how i miss you!)
-loving hockey (and the North Stars)
-reacting to a snow storm by planning for an extra half hour to get to work
-Rev 105 and Radio K
-having an odd affection for bowling as a way to spend your time
-rambling folk songs about vast wide open spaces
-not realizing that any of the above is out of the ordinary
for those in the know, anything you'd like to add?
Using time to measure distance. As in, "How far away is Eden Prarie Center?"
"Oh, about 20 minutes"
That one is my favorite, and boy does it drive people crazy.
The funny thing is, that totally makes sense to me.
Down here they drive me crazy by giving directions by landmarks rather than streets or neighborhoods, i.e. "You know where the McDonald's is? (no specifying WHICH McDonald's they're talking about) Turn left there and then go to the old gas station and then follow the bend and cross the bridge and my house is on the right."
How the hell am I supposed to find anything?
i love everything about minnesota-- i am not leaving a comment-- i am making my own damn list!
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