Saturday, January 30, 2010

Shout out.

For various reasons I will not begin to describe, my photography has gone stagnant for the past three years. Note to self: I think it's time to get back in the game.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Registration and Libraries

On one hand, picking out things for people to give me as gifts makes me extremely uncomfortable. It's as though I'm running out on the street screaming "I want this!" in people's faces. I'm the kind of person who doesn't mention that it's her birthday when people forget. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes instead of in-the-spotlight gal, which Dallas reminds me is hilarious considering that I'm planning a big party for our wedding. However, the part that I do like is the fantasy of our own beautiful place, picking out pieces that would fit together perfectly and make our house a home. I have a big imagination, with room for all kinds of scenarios, and it has only become more wild and out of control with the fact that Dallas is a builder. So I often comment to him, in passing, "would you make me that?" and the answer is always yes (though i've probably imagined enough projects by now to keep him busy into his early nineties). The above dresser from Anthro has a certain amount of whimsy in its rustic sensibility. I love libraries and English wood panelled rooms, so the classic leather furniture fits that nicely.

We've been discussing what to do with the hundreds of books I already own, how to organize and display them nicely (building floor to ceiling bookshelves is project #243 on D's list), when I came across a nice little article Craft linked me to.
I like the idea of organizing them by color, though my system will probably be more intricately organized by genre and author. How have you organized your bookshelves?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

This is NOT the dress.

But you get the idea. Hourglass silhouette and short. My lace top is the same length, but actually has more detail and beading and is a completely separate piece with buttons all the way down its back. The dress has a subtle swirl print and is also embellished with little pearls and lace. Now it's off to find the accessories. Any suggestions?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Par Avion.

I just keep on finding myself cool crafty things on the internet.
This Dead Letter Office font will be useful.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

baby, it's cold outside.

taking a mental breather from getting back to work.
Just me and fred tonight, snuggling under the covers, watching a movie I know I am wise not to subject my fiance to (btw gals, 500 Days of Summer is fantastic...and has a great soundtrack).
Last night was reading. Just found this illustration so joyful, I had to share. It reminds me that as cold as it is right now, i can keep on like this until it's time to go out again.