Friday, August 24, 2007

For Lunar Nerds.

Monday night (8/27) will have two, yes two, full moons in the sky. Mars will be so close to the earth that it will be visible to the naked eye and due to the full moon, it will look like there are two. So grab your drink and a blanket and camp out!


M said...

A) This was oooobviously addressed to me, thank you.

B) Is grabbing a drink now requisite for star gazing, you Southern tottie? (..Though I must say, drinking a well done gin&tonic and knowing that I am *supposed* to be seeing two moons sounds like heaven.)

*mara* said...

a)we grew up in a family of nerds, so dont feel too special.

b)personally, my drink of choice is unsweetened ice tea. if that makes me a tottie, so be it.