Again, again, the excitement of something new. The to do list of summer has finally given way to warm weather fantasies. Alfred and I have shared time in the shade on grassy knolls, plans have been made to pick berries, late night romantic summer walks have taken place, and other such living out of the imagination. Our tomatoes are doing so well, through no help of our own, that we've had to prune them back several times. I have numerous recipes for pasta sauce and cold salads waiting in the wings. The only thing I have not yet been able to enjoy is swimming and that makes me miss mn ever more dearly. In time, in time.
The newest issue of National Geographic has an
oh so wonderful article about Midwestern state fairs, written by Mr. Garrison Keilor, who perfectly captures the essence of what makes them both repulsing and great. I recommend it as a good read for those end of the summer anxieties that are already slowly creeping into the wings.
We slowly move forward in packing and say little goodbyes to this place that has sustained us for better or for worse. But still barely containing our excitement to leave and start from scratch.
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