it is raining outside, and dark as though the day was turning into night rather than the other way around. i sit here at work, tying things up in preparation for being out next week, eating half of a blueberry muffin and pondering exactly how much motivation i will need not to fall asleep the moment i get home. i've exhausted myself this month, letting my passions drive me at work beyond all measures- writing, planning, running around shaking everyone's hands. and it seems to be paying off. we've received donations and cards galore and yesterday i went caroling at the hospital with a group of people that i didn't know, except, to find, i had met almost all of them in one capacity or another. i am a broken record of promotion. so i take a lot of naps. store up energy on the weekend.
although, in december, there's no extra time to do so.
this morning, my coworker gave me a plant, perfectly wrapped in crinkly red craft paper. it's called a creeping jew, which i find a very odd name, though equally odd is the thought that it probably has a more "acceptable," non-offensive pseudonym. i will bring it home to creep a little more. we've been eating many chocolates and making many more and i've been running around in a new wool trench, purchased for the amount of $8.20 at the hospice home store. most everyone has put up with my exhaustive cheeriness with a smile and a laugh. alfred takes care of me at home, beckoning me to cuddle on the couch and take a rest from running.
tonight will be some of the last fits of energy that i have left. being a bad friend, i have not yet sent out various cards and assorted trinkets, and must do so by tomorrow, so that they'll have their postmark before the magical date of December 24th. then i'll put out the new towels and blankets for the folks, wrap some presents, and finally set up my *new* early christmas present of the printer/scanner, so that i can share more with you than words.