Wednesday, September 24, 2008

what you wish for.

Life is a fantastical thing. You don't always quite know which way is coming or going, then all of a sudden you find yourself one night driving down the road with a person who happens to love green olives just as much as you do.
Just sayin'.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

oh yeah.

In this picture, Mara is trying to say ____________.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

old habits are hard to break.

i am starting to fall madly in love with this town and it feels both oddly unexpected and wonderous.

who would've thunk?
sure i moved down here with an interest in the area, and with a wish to slow down my harried life, but got to the point where i wasn't sure if i was quite feeling it. this led to a decision at the beginning of the summer that this was make it or break it time--either the place proves itself to me (i to it)...or move on. however, i certainly wasn't going to sit around waiting for stuff to come to me, i wanted to give avl a running chance.

and oh man am i glad i stuck around.

the energy of this town has hit me rapidly and without apology. after moving into my little white bungalow, with the wooden dragonfly and plants hanging off of its little porch, i set out to see what i could see, hitting the streets, head down, peering around corners to observe creatures in their natural habitats. already the makeup of my every day interactions are different. yesterday morning, my neighbor, who has lived here for over 20 years, stopped me to say that his wife had informed him that indeed, the apples in his yard are good for cooking, and to help myself to as many as i'd like to cook up a mean apple sauce for the neighborhood potluck. he whispered, somewhat embarrassed, but laughing, that he is the only one who shows up with food he hasn't grown himself.

additionally, more than once this weekend i found myself amidst several musicians, extremely talented ones at that, who come from various walks of life and various backgrounds playing various instruments, but all unified expressly through their passions. not shows, or performances, but simply gatherings that resulted in musical communication back and forth from one to another. these are the kind of interactions someone from the outside is only lucky enough to witness, ones that leave you with a knot in your throat and heart pounding from the sheer rhythm of it all. i must say, tapping into the creative community in avl has a snowball effect--you delve deeper and deeper until surrounded on all sides by great minds spiraling in all directions.

here's the thing. to a certain extent my nature has been shaped by the C-I-T-Y. and i'm talking about the capital CITY, not just a location with a population over 50,000. i'm a fast talking, fast walking, curt, and sometimes socially clueless individual who at times doesn't know how to fit herself into such a free and rule-less environment. i'm the gal with a plan. which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not appropriate at all times. however, with the help of a few amazing people, i find myself slowly being coaxed out of the comfort zone i only realize now that i've still been holding on to. maybe maija was right--soon you'll find me dancing in bare feet, hair down to my stomach. and just like this town, i will make no apologies for it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Profoundly moved.

Dear Readers,
I sincerely apologize for my lagging in the department of photos and fiction. My poor excuse is that I am in the middle of a change of residence. How can I ever make it up to you?